Principal Investigator
Current Team
Current Team Members
PhD Candidates
Adnan Yaqub (Monash), 2015 -
co-supervised with Prof. Dan Li (Monash)
Thesis Topic: Flash Photosintering of Carbon Materials
Cameron Ritchie (Melbourne University), 2015 -
co-supervised with Prof. Paul Mulvaney (Melbourne)
Thesis Topic: Printable CZTS Solar CElls
Bradley Stringer (La Trobe University), 2012 -
co-supervised with Dr. Conor Hogan (La Trobe)
Thesis Topic: Electrochemical Excitation of Quantum Dots
Masters Students
Francesco Paglia (Padova University, Italy), 2014 -
co-supervised with Dr. Enrico Della Gaspera (CSIRO) and Prof. Alex Martucci (Padova)
Thesis Topic: Photosintering of Printed Copper Nanoinks
Willie Kogler (Erlangen University, Germany), 2015 -
co-supervised with Prof. Christoph Brabec (Erlangen)
Thesis Topic: Growth of Large Grain Semiconductors