Our Research
Quicker, smaller, better – these words are often used to describe the next big technological breakthrough. At the core of many such advances is the development of new materials that profoundly push the limits of what is possible. Since the 1980’s, when quantum size effects were being discovered in nanostructures, it has been apparent that the unique physical, optical, electrical and magnetic properties of such materials will re-define the possibilities of our future technologies.
What are we doing?
Exploring nanoscale materials in next-generation technologies.
Why is it important?
What makes the nano-scale so remarkable is that it bridges the spatial dimension of atoms and visible light. With practically every optoelectronic device functionally operating at this level, it is clear that to achieve technological innovation it is imperative to understand how to precisely manipulate matter at the nanoscale.
How are we going to succeed?
We apply multi-disciplinary skills drawn from chemistry, physics and materials science to synthesize nanomaterials, introduce these materials into appropriate multi-layered thin films devices and characterise the performance of such devices. This enables the structure-property-performance relation of such materials to be assessed and optimised for a given material class in a particular technology.
Key Research Areas:
Nanomaterial Synthesis
Nucleation and Growth of Nanoparticles
Interfaces and Surface Science
Ink Dispersions, Surface Chemistry and Interfaces
Thin-Film Solar Cells
Published Scientific Papers: click here
Recent Public Articles:
The business of energy: Australia's path to a sustainable future, Lens, June 14th 2019
Energy for Education Is Vital for Developing Economies, Brink, February 6th 2018
Can blockchain transform the energy industry? Lens, November 2nd 2017
Explainer: how to extend your phone’s battery life, The Conversation, July 31st 2017